Glia Elite Børn

Har du et barn I alderen 0 – 4 år har du muligheden for at give dit barn en livs lang gave af nemt at kunne tilegne sig nye sprog i fremtiden. En positiv skolestart med læsning og talforståelse inden start. Samt en overall evne til at beherske positiv indlæring. gennem sin skolegang.

Hvis du investere de første år af dit barns liv korrekt vil resten

Our Glia Baby Elite School

From initial concept to final execution, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Bilingual English

The gift of language learning is one of the best you can give your child.

Benefit of teaching them english will allow them in school to

Each Language we teach will not just be the langanguage, but the behavioral expectations and cultural understanding that crusial in understanding a conties trye culture.

We will work with

Bilingual Italian

The gift of language learning is one of the best you can give your child.

Benefit of teaching them english will allow them in school to

Each Language we teach will not just be the langanguage, but the behavioral expectations and cultural understanding that crusial in understanding a conties trye culture.

We will work with

Bilingual Chinees

The gift of language learning is one of the best you can give your child.

Benefit of teaching them english will allow them in school to

Each Language we teach will not just be the langanguage, but the behavioral expectations and cultural understanding that crusial in understanding a conties trye culture.

We will work with

Chinese is a beutiful language with a completely different language which originat from a completely different language family.
This trains the ear of the child in such a way that it will benefit them the rest of their life even if they should forthet it later.

Calm Brain
Anti-popcorn Brain

Navigating the world of the future society and its upcommin social media, will be daunting to our children. So we need to prepare them. as our children in a small or bigger degree gets.

Giving your child the gift of calmness. To be able to be in stillness, use the nature to get back to itselv, should it loose itselv in the future.


Baggrund It all started with a simple yet powerful belief: creativity has the power to change the world. From a modest New York studio, our journey has been one of passion, persistence, and transformation. Today, we stand as a beacon for those who dare to dream big.

Fucus on the human skill. Our aim is to not just meet, but to exceed expectations, pushing boundaries to deliver experiences that are not just seen or heard, but felt and remembered.

Stem cell diagram on white background illustration

“Evnen til at lære, glæden til at lære evnen til at musik, matematik el. sprog. er that resonated with our audience. The results were nothing short of miraculous.”

Brooke Illummont

Glia Elite Børn

Start Learning Today

Each class is with one parent or other realtes grownup the child is completely comfortable with. presentWe’re here to listen, collaborate, and drive your vision forward. Whether it’s through an email, a phone call, or a visit to our office, initiating a conversation is the first step towards unparalleled creative success.

Language Learning Articles by European Researchers